Thank you for taking a leap of faith and participating in this our diocesan Called by Name initiative for 2024. On many occasions during Our Lord's public ministry and in the stories of the saints ever since, God has used other people to extend His invitation to someone to follow Him wholeheartedly. This page allows you to submit the names of young people in whom you see the characteristics that makes you think the Lord may be calling them to a Religious Vocation to the Holy Priesthood or Consecrated Life. If you can, beyond simply passing on their name and details so we can offer them assistance and opportunities to discern their vocation, please encourage them personally with your own words and prayers. Tell them what characteristics or graces you see in their life, and humbly mention that you think they could be a good priest or religious. Of course, the call comes from God, but all of us are meant to support each other in following that call! Please fill out the following form to the extent that you can. Once you submit a name, the option will be given to submit another.

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