
Parish Link, a publication of the Office for Communications, is a weekly email newsletter for those who work in parishes to receive the latest information and resources from the  diocesan offices. If you want to receive the weekly Parish Link to your inbox, email Andrew Hansen at so he can add you to the weekly e-blast.

The latest content is below:


Community of Religious Educators 2024-25 - The theme for our CORE meetings this school year will be how to integrate new formation requirements into your curriculum. As our religion standards are being revised, so, too, must our lesson plans for parish catechetical ministry. The CORE meetings for this school year will help you develop and implement a parish catechetical plan that can be launched the following academic year. Contact the Office for Catechesis at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154, or email for details.

Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities - The National Catholic Partnership on Disability has developed on online course designed as a resource for persons who are preparing children or adults with disabilities to receive the Sacraments of Initiation with an additional module devoted to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Modules cover Scripture, Doctrine and Liturgical Practices of the Sacraments in the life of the Church and then examine practical considerations for preparing someone with a developmental disability to receive the sacrament. For more information, go to Grant funding for course registration is available from the Office for Catechesis. Contact the office at or call (217) 698-8500, ext. 154.

Catechetical Sunday - The third Sunday in September is the annual celebration of Catechetical Sunday – September 15 this year. The 2024 theme is “Lord, when did we see you hungry?” from Matthew 25:37. The purpose of Catechetical Sunday is to call forth catechists to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is also a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. The celebration is a rededication of ourselves to the mission of passing on the faith as a parish community. A prayer service for Catechetical Sunday is available in English and in Spanish at Certificates, posters and prayer card templates are available from the Office for Catechesis.

Catechist Registration for Evermode Institute Courses - As we prepare for the upcoming school year, please remember to register catechists for the new formation program with the Evermode Institute. Please visit for details. If you have already registered but have not received an invitation email from the Evermode Institute, please contact the Office for Catechesis at

Human Resources
Marriage and Family Life
Parish Vitality and Mission Advacement