7 Catholic traditions you’ve never heard of

July 5, 2024

The Catholic faith is full of rich tradition, some of which has gone away and some of which is making a comeback. Fr. Chris House breaks down seven tradition of the Catholic faith you may have never heard of and the symbolism behind them.

How to stay in love and have a beautiful marriage

July 5, 2024

Marriage, raising kids, navigating life, and knowing the intentions of your spouse is difficult and messy! How should you navigate it all so you can stay madly in love with your spouse and have a beautiful marriage? Dive Deep is pleased to talk to Beth Sri, a Catholic speaker and author and mother of 8 children. She serves as the Denver chapter coordinator for Life-Giving Wounds, a Catholic ministry for adult children of divorce. She is also the co-author with her husband of the award winning book, “The Good, The Messy and The Beautiful: The Joys and Struggles of Real Married Life.”

God not answering your prayer? How prayer actually works

June 7, 2024

Does it seem like God is not hearing your prayers? Can prayer change God’s mind? Do more prayers help? What can we be doing better when we pray? Does being a holier person mean God listens to that person more? Father Chris House explains how prayer actually works, and it may change your entire outlook on prayer.

She had a porn addiction – How she now lives in freedom

June 7, 2024

Kelsey Skoch had a pornography addiction. How she overcame it, avoiding temptation, advice for how you can live with freedom from impurity, and how can we convince young women to save sex for marriage.

A Buddhist becomes Catholic

April 5, 2024

Buddhists make up 1% of the US population, but what about Buddhists who become Catholic? Who knows, but you know it’s tiny, yet Dive Deep found one of them! Deena Bell of Springfield joins Dive Deep to share her conversion story from Buddhism to Catholicism.

What you don’t know about the process of becoming a priest

April 5, 2024

What does a diocese look for in a man who wants to become a priest? What are red flags? What evaluations occur? What about the cost of education and what exactly do seminarians learn? Becoming a priest is a lot more than than an application and going to school. Dive Deep sits down with Brian Alford, Director of the Office for Vocations for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.

Professional soccer star turns priest

March 1, 2024

Fr. Chase Hilgenbrinck had everything, at least in terms what the culture says – professional athlete, cool lifestyle, fame. But that life didn’t make him feel full. The now Diocese of Peoria Vocation Director shares why ultimately he left life as a professional athlete to become a professional servant of God.

Confession Is More Powerful Than An Exorcism

February 1, 2024

You’ve seen in the movies the extremeness of an exorcism. But, did you know, Confession is more powerful? Fr. Ambrose Criste, O.Praem., who has performed exorcisms, dives deep into the Rite of Exorcism, what he has experienced as an exorcist, why Confession is more powerful, and tips for how we can fend of evil.

Dr. Scott Hahn on what Catholics need to change

January 5, 2024

Dr. Scott Hahn joins Dive Deep to discuss topics such as what habits practicing Catholics need to change; why was Dr. Hahn “anti-Catholic” before he converted; how John’s Gospel changed his entire outlook on faith; how we can have Eucharistic amazement; and what should we lean on when we’re facing hardships. Dr. Hahn joined Dive Deep from the BOS Center in Springfield on Oct. 28, 2023 when he was the featured speaker at the Eucharistic Congress.

From Poland, to Effingham, to a US Citizen – Fr. Michal Rosa’s unique story

December 1, 2023

Fr. Michal Rosa, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Effingham, officially became a U.S. citizen July 7. It’s a journey he would have never imagined, growing up in Poland. So how did this all happen, how did Bishop Paprocki play a role, what does Fr. Rosa think of America, what does he miss the most about Poland (besides family), and what aspects of our faith does he wish America prioritized more? We Dive Deep with Fr. Michal Rosa.