Parish Centennial Discernment Results

Before taking action on your discernment results, please share with the Centennial Campaign Leadership Team what came of your discernment process by answering the questions below. If you are unsure of some of these questions now, please put “unknown” and the Parish Vitality and Mission Advancement office will be in touch for resources and support.

Pastor Name

Centennial Parish Contacts

Centennial announcements will be sent throughout the campaign (2023-2028). Please share a primary email and phone for the roles below to receive these important messages.
Parish Staff Coordinator Name
Centennial Chair Name

Centennial Discernment Results

Review the four initiatives of the Centennial Campaign (, how will your parish campaign:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Will you be looking for a capital campaign firm for assistance?
If no, would you like do-it-yourself campaign assistance?