Week of July 29

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The Holiest Adventure: Father/Son Edition – Join other dads and sons for an experience of exciting activities, bonding games, stiff competitions, as well as Mass, adoration, and delicious food!

Date: August 10, 2024; Location: Villa Maria Retreat Center, 1903 E Lakeshore Dr., Springfield, IL 62712; Who: For any fathers with their son(s) in grades 4-10; Meals: Lunch and dinner provided; Cost: $50 per father/son pair. $10 per additional son; Time: 10 A.M. – 6 P.M.; For questions about the event, please contact Daniel Heffernan at dheffernan@dio.org. Register at dio.org/events/.

Here is a graphic you can also use

The Holiest Adventure: Mother/Daughter Edition – Join other mothers and daughters for an experience of exciting activities, bonding games, stiff competitions, as well as Mass, adoration, and delicious food!

Date: Sept. 21, 2024; Location: Villa Maria Retreat Center, 1903 E Lakeshore Dr., Springfield, IL 62712; Who: For any mothers with their daughter(s) in grades 4-10; Meals: Lunch and dinner provided; Cost: $50 per mother/daughter pair. $10 per additional son; Time: 10 A.M. – 6 P.M.; For questions about the event, please contact Daniel Heffernan at dheffernan@dio.org. Register at dio.org/events/.

Here is a graphic you can use

Have you been married 50+ years? Time to celebrate! – On September 22 at 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield, all couples married 50 years or more are invited to attend a special Mass honoring their marriage vocation! The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Thomas John Paprocki. A reception will follow after Mass. Please register for the Mass by going to dio.org/events. When you register, please upload (not mandatory) a photo from your wedding day and present day, as we’ll be showcasing a slide show during the reception.

WINE founder and Catholic singer to present at convention in Carlinville. Register now for Aug. 28 experience – Kelly Wahlquist, founder of the WINE evangelist ministry and a dynamic Catholic author and speaker as well as Donna Cori, a singer who puts her beautiful music to Catholic prayers, are both presenting at the Lake Williamson Retreat Center in Carlinville (17347 Cottonwood Ln.) on August 28. Sponsored by the Springfield Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (Jerseyville Deanery is the host), this is part of the group’s 95th annual convention called “Sent on Mission – Fortified by the Eucharist.” Registration begins at 7:45 a.m. at Ss. Mary and Joseph Church in Carlinville followed by 9 a.m. Mass with Bishop Thomas John Paprocki. The program will then follow at Lake Williamson Retreat Center. The cost is $60 or $65 after Aug. 7 or the day of. Cost includes breakfast, lunch, and t-shirt. Consult your parish office for registration forms or contact Teresa Goetten at 618-535-0555 or mtmgotten@gtec.com.

*Parish Staff, here are three documents to supplement this event:

Half page flyer

Full page flyer

Registration form

Fr. Tolton Religious Award – Our local Diocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting has created a new patch award for Venerable Fr. Augustine Tolton! The award requirements are patterned after similar programs from the National Catholic Committee on Scouting and Scouts of any national program may earn the award. Details are online at dio.org/scouts/.

Project Rachel:  Help for women and men to heal from the pain of abortion.  For assistance call 1-877-RACHEL-5. 

Retreat for married couples offered – Worldwide Marriage Encounter presents weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication, and deepen and renew commitment. Sign-up now! For more information or to apply, go to wwme.org or call Terry & Eric Engholm at 314-649-7317. Next ones:

8/2/2024 – 8/4/2024, St. Peters, MO

9/27/2024 – 9/29/2024, St. Peters, MO

10/11/2024 – 10/13/2024, Springfield, IL

12/6/2024 – 12/8/2024, St. Peters, MO

Here is a logo you can use as well


August 4, 2024

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Each day the people are to go out and gather their daily portion; thus will I test them, to see whether they follow my instructions or not.”  Exodus 16:4

When the Israelites gathered more than their daily portion of manna, the surplus became wormy and rotten.  In the same way today, self-reliance, pride and ego leads to hoarding and excessive surplus of goods and money.  Living a stewardship lifestyle helps us discern our “wants” from our “needs”.  Living a grateful and generous lifestyle reminds us that God will provide all that we need and that we have plenty to share.

August 11, 2024

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Get up and eat or the journey will be too much for you!”  1 Kings 19:7

God knows that committing to a stewardship lifestyle is difficult.  However, we were not designed to do it on our own, we need God’s help.  Fortunately, God gave us the greatest gift of all, His son, Jesus.  Through the gift of the Eucharist, we unite our sacrifice with Jesus’ sacrifice to do the will of God, Our Father.  We receive the strength and courage to be His missionary disciples. 

August 18, 2024

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”    John 6:56

This line from Scripture is what ultimately separates Catholics from our Protestant brothers and sisters.  Jesus is really present in the bread and wine that are consecrated at Holy Mass.  It is His actual body and blood that we consume.  This is the greatest gift that we can receive.  The Eucharist shows us how great of love that Jesus has for each of us.

August 25, 2024

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

“If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve…As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”  Joshua 24:15

When we commit to serve the Lord, we become a disciple in the work of the Lord.  A disciple is a person who spends time in prayer every day, joyfully participates in charitable works and generously supports their local parish and Church mission.  If we say we serve God, our words and actions should reflect the Gospel message to others.

September 1, 2024

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only…”  James 1:22

It’s easy to understand the definition of stewardship – living a grateful and generous life.  The hard part is doing it!  How do your words and actions reflect God’s word?  Do you share your time in prayer with God daily?   Do you use your talent to help those in need without expecting anything in return?  Are you generous with your financial resources?  If not, what are you waiting for?

September 8, 2024

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?”   James 2:5

What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in possessions?  Society tells us that possessions are most important.  God teaches a different lesson.  When we are rich in faith, we keep God first and experience true joy and peace.  When we put possessions first, we soon realize we can never have enough and happiness is fleeting.  When we put faith over possessions we truly realize it is better to give than receive.

September 15, 2024

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”  Mark 8:34

Living a stewardship lifestyle means not only being responsible for my own life, but for the lives of others as well.  We realize that our gifts are not intended for ourselves, rather they are meant to be shared with others.  “Taking up my cross” means doing things when someone else needs me and not when it’s convenient for me.

September 22, 2024

Stewardship Awareness Sunday in the Archdiocese of St. Louis

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35

Jesus teaches us that we are called to love one another.  Love involves sacrifice.  Sacrifice is a word that many of us don’t like to hear.  We think it means that we must give up something that we want.  However, the literal meaning of sacrifice is “to make holy,” from the words “sacer” = sacred and “facere” = to make.   In other words, when we sacrifice, we make our lives holy by sharing our gifts in the service of God.

September 29, 2024

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.”  Mark 9:41

We are made in God’s image and likeness.  We tend to forget this.  When you look at others, do you see the face of Jesus in them?  When others look at you, do they see the face of Jesus in you?  When we realize that all lives matter to God, then gratitude and generously become easier.  Why?  Because that’s the way we are made!  We are one Body of Christ; when one of us is hurting, all of us feel the pain.

Week of July 22
Week of July 8
Week of July 1