Week of Nov. 14

Answering your questions on dying and death – The diocese has put together an easy to navigate and comprehensive look at end-of-life issues. Go to dio.org/funeral for questions like: Why should one pre-plan their funeral? If my loved one is dying, what should I do? Why must one insist on Catholic funeral rites? Why should one pray for the dead? Who should one insist upon being buried in a Catholic cemetery? Also covered is the issue of cremation, among other topics. As the month of November is dedicated to praying for the dead, now is a good time to learn more about dying and death from our Catholic faith perspective.

The new Evermode Institute in Springfield – how it will impact you – In March of 2022, the Diocese of Springfield announced plans to create The Evermode Institute in Springfield. What will it entail and how will it benefit Catholics in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois and even across the country? We talk with Father Augustine Puchner, the Prior of the new Springfield based community of Norbertine Fathers who are leading this exciting endeavor. Go to dio.org/podcast or search Dive Deep on all the major podcast platforms to listen and subscribe.
Click here to download a graphic to include in your bulletins

Free episode of The Chair highlights the rich story of our diocese from yesterday to today – The story of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is featured in an episode of The Chair, a television series celebrating the best of Catholicism in the United States. From the physical beauty of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield to the history of our diocese from our founding to the present, you’ll learn things about our region you never knew before and see Bishop Thomas John Paprocki in his role of bishop. This intimate portrait of our diocese is an opportunity to see our history and the journey of Bishop Paprocki from his youth to our shepherd of today. To watch the FREE episode and others, go to thechair.com/watchnow. Note, you’ll have to create a FREE account to watch.
Here is a graphic you can use to go alongside this annoucement

SEEK 2023 in St. Louis open to all – “SEEK23: You Are Called” invites souls seeking holiness to St. Louis Jan. 2 – 6. FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students) is inviting all people in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois to leave old things behind and answer a new call to greatness, holiness, joy, and mission by experiencing “SEEK23: You Are Called.” This five-day event takes place at the America’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis. Through fellowship, prayer, world-class speakers, and entertainment, participants will be inspired to “Fear not; rise, He is calling you” (Mk 10:49). Registration is open at seek.focus.org. Catholics in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois also receive a discount as a neighboring diocese of the Archdiocese of St. Louis (you will receive it when you type in your zip code).
Here is a graphic you can use as well for it

Days of Prayer and Reflection: The Black Catholic Commission is hosting Days of Prayer and Reflection in Beardstown, Collinsville, Decatur, and Springfield. These days of prayer and reflection are an opportunity to reflect on God’s word and share thoughts on what faith-filled actions our diocese and parishes can do to make our Church thrive. For specific dates and additional information go to: https://www.dio.org/plasm/black-catholic-commission.html

DCJH Collection: DCJH Collection: November 19-20, 2022 is the annual collection for the Diocesan Campaign for Justice and Hope (DCJH). Donations make it possible to provide hope and assistance of food, clothing, housing, education and medication to local people living in poverty. 100% of the contributions stay within our Diocese. If you miss the opportunity to help through your parish collection, you can still contribute by mail or by going to www.dio.org/dcjh. The mailing address is: Catholic Pastoral Center, DCJH, Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries, 1615 West Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702

PRAYER, PLANNING and PARTICIPATION – Springfield Deanery Council of Catholic Women Meeting: Tues., Nov. 15, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM (Lunch: NOON), Cathedral Lower-Level Meeting Room. We request that women from all 37 parishes in the Springfield Deanery attend. We will be showcasing EACH of our Springfield Deanery Parishes at the 2023 SDCCW Convention: Wed., Sept. 27, 2023: Sacred Heart Griffin West Campus, Mass at St. Agnes Church, Main Celebrant – Bishop Paprocki. ATTENDING THE DEANERY MEETING, Nov. 15? Please R.S.V.P. to Janet Zimmerman, Pres. of the Springfield Deanery by Tues., Nov. 8: 217-494-4743. Thank You!  

Volunteers Needed for Sacraments – The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is looking for volunteers to assist with the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Over 1,200 third graders come to the Cathedral each year from throughout the diocese to receive these holy Sacraments. Please pray about joining the Curia staff in helping to make these events run smoothly. All volunteers need to have Safe Environment on file with their parish. Contact Sister M. Clementia, FSGM for more information ( or 217-321-1130), access the sign-up at https://ome.flocknote.com/signup/84704 or take a picture of the QR code to be sent directly to the site. Thank you!
*Note, here is that QR code jpeg*

Support Breadline Sunday – St. John’s Breadline is celebrating their 36th year of giving for the annual fundraiser, Breadline Sunday, to support the St. John’s Breadline’s mission of feeding the hungry in the greater Springfield community. Since 1985, the Breadline Sunday fundraiser has provided much needed capital for the operation of Springfield’s iconic St. John’s Breadline. The St. John’s Breadline has resumed indoor dining for breakfast and lunch meals to ensure guests are able to be served in a welcoming and safe environment. This year’s Breadline Sundayfundraiser will take the same format as last year in that individuals and sponsoring churches will be asked to donate without the distribution of loaves of bread. You can donate through your Parish Breadline Sunday collection or online at https://cc.dio.org/ways_to_give/donate/.
Here is a graphic you can use as well

Springfield Catholic Charities requests food donations – Each year, the Springfield Catholic Charities Holy Family Food Pantry serves hundreds of families in need through their Thanksgiving and Christmas food baskets. In preparation for the holidays, we are in need of donated food items and volunteers to create these much appreciated Thanksgiving and Christmas blessings. Wish list items for our food pantry include: cake mix, pancake mix, syrup, cane sugar, cereal, oatmeal, boxed dinners, stuffing mix, instant mashed potatoes, gravy packets, mac & cheese, pasta & pasta sauce, canned fruits & vegetables, peanut butter, jelly, butter, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, paper towels, toilet paper, and bars of soap. More information is available at 217.523.4551. Donations can be dropped off at 120 S 11th St. in Springfield Illinois between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Thank you for making a difference in our community
*Parishes can also show this video to help promote the food pantry and its needs.

Project Rachel: Trust in the mercy of God’s love. Do you know someone who is carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions? Share with them the Good News of God’s merciful love. Call Project Rachel for a confidential referral to those who can help: 1-877-RACHEL-5. Pray that many will seek and receive the gift of God’s infinite mercy.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Find Peace and Healing: If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of children to abortion, come and experience the healing mercy of Jesus Christ on our weekend retreat. To find information about the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat January 20-22, 2023. For more information call 217-698-4456, or email projectrachel@dio.org. Scholarships are available. 

Retreat for married couples offered in St. Peters and Springfield –Worldwide Marriage Encounter presents weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication, and deepen and renew commitment. The next two IN-PERSON weekend experiences are listed below. Sign-up now! For more information or to apply, go to wwme.org or call Terry & Eric Engholm at 314-649-7317.
12/2/2022 – 12/4/2022 – Courtyard Marriott, St. Peters; 3/17/2023 – 3/19/2023 – Villa Maria Conference Center, Springfield, IL

Here is a logo you can use as well

Bulletin Shorts 
Bulletin Shorts for November in Year C – 2022 

Thirty-Fourth or Last Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Solemnity – 20 November 2022 
2 Samuel 5:1-3. Psalm 122:1-2, 3-4, 4-5. Colossians 1:12-20. Luke 23:35-43. 
Who Is This Beloved Son? In today’s gospel, we hear the conversations of the two thieves with Jesus. It is talk about the Kingdom of Heaven. The second reading is worth rereading all week long. It describes what we believe about this beloved Son, this firstborn from the dead, this Jesus the Christ. 
Spend time with the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds that affirm what we believe. 
How can I fall more and more in love with this beloved Son? 
What can I do and say to make my way to heaven? 
Thanksgiving Day (Canada) – Monday, 10 October 2022 
Thanksgiving Day (USA) – Thursday, 24 November 2022 
Thanksgiving Day (Australia) – Wednesday, 30 November 2022 
So many choices. Pick one of these: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. Ephesians 1:3-14. Colossians 3:12-17. 
NOTE – THIS IS THE END OF BULLETIN SHORTS: Let Us Always Give Thanks. This brings to an end this season and the seven-year series of weekly Bulletin Shorts. It has been a blessing for me to ponder and write, to publish and share them. I am most grateful to all who have proofed and edited, who have printed and emailed, who have shared and used. 
– Eliot Kapitan, Springfield, Illinois USA, .