Week of Jan. 9

Please donate to support Catholic TimesCatholic Times has always been a key communication tool for our diocese. Whether it is important announcements, teaching the faith, or inspirational stories, the magazine provides tremendous value to readers. The magazine’s commitment to local coverage means when each edition is opened, readers will see stories that are important to their lives and read stories written by people and priests they know. Please support Catholic Times so the magazine can continue serving Catholics in our diocese. You can give through your second collection envelope or online at dio.org/give. Thank you!

What it’s like working for two popes inside the Vatican – Springfield’s own, Ashley Noronha, has an amazing journey from the classrooms of Christ the King School and Sacred Heart Griffin High School in Springfield to the halls of the Vatican working for Popes Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Join Dive Deep as she shares stories and insights about working at the Vatican. Go to dio.org/podcast or search Dive Deep on all the major podcast platforms to listen and subscribe.

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Parents, teenagers, and young adults – this event is for you – National Catholic speaker, Jason Evert, will give two talks in Alton Feb. 6 that parents, teenagers, and young adults are invited to that answers many tough questions about love, dating, and relationships and that will empower people to live a life of virtue. Evert’s talks, “Purified” and “Gender and the Theology of your Body,” takes place starting at 6 p.m. at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Alton (519 East 4th St.). The cost is $30 and tickets can be purchased in advance by going to chastity.com/purified. After Evert’s talks, the night will end with adoration and confession and all attendees will leave with resources that are geared toward the gender of the teen/young adult and one geared toward parents. For more information, call 618-581-7055. The event is for teenagers and older.

Free episode of The Chair highlights the rich story of our diocese from yesterday to today – The story of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is featured in an episode of The Chair, a television series celebrating the best of Catholicism in the United States. From the physical beauty of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield to the history of our diocese from our founding to the present, you’ll learn things about our region you never knew before and see Bishop Thomas John Paprocki in his role of bishop. This intimate portrait of our diocese is an opportunity to see our history and the journey of Bishop Paprocki from his youth to our shepherd of today. To watch the FREE episode and others, go to thechair.com/watchnow. Note, you’ll have to create a FREE account to watch.

Here is a graphic you can use to go alongside this announcement

Promote annual collection for Church in Latin America:

Week Before the Collection

Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. For many in Latin America and the Caribbean, a rising secular culture, difficult rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers all present obstacles to practicing the faith. Your support for the collection provides lay leadership training, catechesis, priestly and religious formation, and other programs to share our Catholic faith with those who long to hear the Good News of Christ. To learn more about how your gifts make a difference, visit www.usccb.org/latin-america.

La próxima semana realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. Para muchos en América Latina y el Caribe, una creciente cultura secular, unos terrenos rurales difíciles y una escasez de ministros, son obstáculos para practicar la fe. Su apoyo a la colecta proporciona capacitación para el liderazgo laico, la catequesis, la formación para sacerdotes y religiosos y otros programas para compartir nuestra fe católica con aquellos que anhelan escuchar la Buena Nueva de Cristo. Para informarse más sobre cómo sus donativos hacen una diferencia, visiten www.usccb.org/latin-america.

Week of the Collection

This weekend we take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America! Many people in Latin America and the Caribbean do not have access to church programs and ministries because of a rising secular culture, rugged rural terrain, and a shortage of ministers. Your generosity enables our brothers and sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean to share in the life of the Church and grow closer to Christ. Please be generous in the special collection! To learn more, please visit www.usccb.org/latin-america.

¡Este fi n de semana realizaremos la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina! Muchas personas en América Latina y el Caribe no tienen acceso a los programas y ministerios de la Iglesia debido a una creciente cultura secular, unos terrenos rurales difíciles y una escasez de ministros. Su generosidad hace posible que nuestros hermanos y hermanas en América Latina y el Caribe participen en la vida de la Iglesia y se acerquen más a Cristo. ¡Por favor, sean generosos en esta colecta especial! Para informarse más, por favor, visiten www.usccb.org/latin-america.

Week After the Collection

Thank you for your generous support for last week’s Collection for the Church in Latin America. As a parish, we collected $[amount], which will be used to share the faith with our brothers and sisters in Latin America and the Caribbean, so they in turn can share the Good News in their communities. If you missed the collection, it’s not too late to give! Visit www.usccb.org/latin-america  and click “How to Give.” Your gift makes a difference!

Muchas gracias por su apoyo generoso la semana pasada a la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina. Como parroquia recaudamos $[poner cantidad], que utilizaremos para compartir la fe con nuestros hermanos y hermanas en América Latina y el Caribe para que ellos, a su vez, compartan la Buena Nueva en sus comunidades. ¡Si no alcanzaron a dar en la colecta, todavía lo pueden hacer! Visiten www.usccb.org/latin-america y hagan clic en “How to Give.” ¡Sus donativos hacen una diferencia!

Volunteers Needed for Sacraments – The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is looking for volunteers to assist with the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Over 1,200 third graders come to the Cathedral each year from throughout the diocese to receive these holy Sacraments. Please pray about joining the Curia staff in helping to make these events run smoothly. All volunteers need to have Safe Environment on file with their parish. Contact Sister M. Clementia, FSGM for more information (or 217-321-1130), access the sign-up at https://ome.flocknote.com/signup/84704 or take a picture of the QR code to be sent directly to the site. Thank you!

*Note, here is that QR code jpeg*

Project Rachel: Trust in the mercy of God’s love. Do you know someone who is carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions? Share with them the Good News of God’s merciful love. Call Project Rachel for a confidential referral to those who can help: 1-877-RACHEL-5. Pray that many will seek and receive the gift of God’s infinite mercy.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat: Find Peace and Healing: If you or someone you love is grieving the loss of children to abortion, come and experience the healing mercy of Jesus Christ on our weekend retreat. To find information about the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat January 20-22, 2023. For more information call 217-698-4456, or email projectrachel@dio.org. Scholarships are available. 

Retreat for married couples offered in Springfield –Worldwide Marriage Encounter presents weekend experiences for married couples to rekindle romance, enhance meaningful communication, and deepen and renew commitment. Sign-up now! For more information or to apply, go to wwme.org or call Terry & Eric Engholm at 314-649-7317.
3/17/2023 – 3/19/2023 – Villa Maria Conference Center, Springfield, IL and 3/31/2023 – 4/2/2023 – Courtyard Marriott, St. Peters, MO

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