Annual Statistical Report

Please check all that applyParishDeaneryYear FoundedPhysical Address of ChurchMailing AddressWebsiteEmailParishRectoryHallClergy/StaffCouncils/Committees/MinistriesParish Pastoral Council Contact/ChairpersonParish Pastoral Council EmailParish Finance Council Contact/ChairpersonParish Finance Council EmailPre-school - Name of SchoolPre-school - School AddressK-8 - School PhoneK-8 - School FaxK-8 - School WebsiteK-8 - School EmailName of ConventConvent AddressConvent PhoneConvent PhoneConvent EmailReligious CommunityNumber of religious in residenceNumber of parishionersNumber of Households (Families)Number of baptisms of persons up to age sevenNumber of full Christian initiations - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilNumber of full Christian initiations - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilUncatechized Baptized Catholics - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilUncatechized Baptized Catholics - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilReceptions into full communion - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilReceptions into full communion - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilNumber of Confirmations at the parish of catechized Catholics baptized in infancy (Confirmations not at the Cathedral)Between two CatholicsMixed Marriage (between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic)Interfaith Marriage (between a Catholic and a non-baptized individual)TotalNew vocations to the Consecrated Life (male or female) in the past year? (not seminarians)If so, please name and provide current residence for eachNumber of deathsNumber with the Eucharist reservedWith the Eucharist reserved - Location(s)Number without the Eucharist reservedWithout the Eucharist reserved - Location(s)Select all special events that your Parish has a scheduled time(s)Holy days Anticipated (Times)Holy days (Times)Sunday Anticipated (Times)Sundays (Times)Monday (Times)Tuesday (Times)Wednesday (Times)Thursday (Times)Friday (Times)Saturday (Times)Penance SchedulesEucharistic AdorationSpecial MassesWhite (Non-Hispanic)Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish originBlack or African AmericanAsianNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderOther significant ethnic groups 1 (specify)Other significant ethnic groups 1Other significant ethnic groups 2 (specify)Other significant ethnic groups 2Please list the native language(s) of parishioners (other than English) (including ASL)When was the last formal/comprehensive parish census started?Date of last permanent parish record review by Vicar Forane (Dean)Have you finalized any real estate transactions in the past fiscal year?Does the parish have a sister parish?If so, where?Number of parishioners serving in foreign missionsLocationsParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) attending a parochial Catholic school total SettingsParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) being homeschooled totalParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) attending a public school total Parishioners of elementary school age (K-8) participating in PSR/Family of Faith/etc.Parishioners of high school age (9-12) attending a parochial Catholic school totalParishioners of high school age (9-12) being homeschooled total Parishioners of high school age (9-12) attending a public school totalParishioners of high school age (9-12) participating in PSR/Family of Faith/etc.Number of lay catechistsParish OrganizationsParish HistoryAcknowledgementDate Updated
Please check all that applyParishDeaneryYear FoundedPhysical Address of ChurchMailing AddressWebsiteEmailParishRectoryHallClergy/StaffCouncils/Committees/MinistriesParish Pastoral Council Contact/ChairpersonParish Pastoral Council EmailParish Finance Council Contact/ChairpersonParish Finance Council EmailPre-school - Name of SchoolPre-school - School AddressK-8 - School PhoneK-8 - School FaxK-8 - School WebsiteK-8 - School EmailName of ConventConvent AddressConvent PhoneConvent PhoneConvent EmailReligious CommunityNumber of religious in residenceNumber of parishionersNumber of Households (Families)Number of baptisms of persons up to age sevenNumber of full Christian initiations - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilNumber of full Christian initiations - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilUncatechized Baptized Catholics - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilUncatechized Baptized Catholics - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilReceptions into full communion - persons age 7 and above - At the Easter VigilReceptions into full communion - persons age 7 and above - Outside the Easter VigilNumber of Confirmations at the parish of catechized Catholics baptized in infancy (Confirmations not at the Cathedral)Between two CatholicsMixed Marriage (between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic)Interfaith Marriage (between a Catholic and a non-baptized individual)TotalNew vocations to the Consecrated Life (male or female) in the past year? (not seminarians)If so, please name and provide current residence for eachNumber of deathsNumber with the Eucharist reservedWith the Eucharist reserved - Location(s)Number without the Eucharist reservedWithout the Eucharist reserved - Location(s)Select all special events that your Parish has a scheduled time(s)Holy days Anticipated (Times)Holy days (Times)Sunday Anticipated (Times)Sundays (Times)Monday (Times)Tuesday (Times)Wednesday (Times)Thursday (Times)Friday (Times)Saturday (Times)Penance SchedulesEucharistic AdorationSpecial MassesWhite (Non-Hispanic)Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish originBlack or African AmericanAsianNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderOther significant ethnic groups 1 (specify)Other significant ethnic groups 1Other significant ethnic groups 2 (specify)Other significant ethnic groups 2Please list the native language(s) of parishioners (other than English) (including ASL)When was the last formal/comprehensive parish census started?Date of last permanent parish record review by Vicar Forane (Dean)Have you finalized any real estate transactions in the past fiscal year?Does the parish have a sister parish?If so, where?Number of parishioners serving in foreign missionsLocationsParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) attending a parochial Catholic school total SettingsParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) being homeschooled totalParishioners of elementary school age (K-8) attending a public school total Parishioners of elementary school age (K-8) participating in PSR/Family of Faith/etc.Parishioners of high school age (9-12) attending a parochial Catholic school totalParishioners of high school age (9-12) being homeschooled total Parishioners of high school age (9-12) attending a public school totalParishioners of high school age (9-12) participating in PSR/Family of Faith/etc.Number of lay catechistsParish OrganizationsParish HistoryAcknowledgementDate Updated