ParishStaq is now the official constituent database of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois!
Reach out to to begin implementation at your parish!

The Problem with Data

We celebrate the universality of the church. While we may have different day-to-day operations, we are each aligned with our overarching goals. We believe one of the strongest tools to accomplish our goals is a unified database. So many of the tasks in church operations are segmented from a functional standpoint, even though the need for the data is universal. It is extremely difficult to build relationships when one household can be in 4-5 separate Catholic databases, creating a silo-style infrastructure which is not streamlined or efficient. We know there is a better way to unify “people-data” so that we can have an opportunity to connect, engage, and grow alongside our constituents in the diocese. Together, in one database, we intend to provide the privacy that is warranted, in a singular system that unifies all our stewardship and discipleship activities across diocesan levels- diocesan offices, parishes, and affiliated missions.

The Solution

The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is implementing a standardized cloud-based CRM (Constituent Relationship Management) solution for the diocesan offices, its 129 parishes, and affiliated ministries. The diocese has assembled a lead team comprising diocesan staff, which will spearhead the evaluation and recommendation of a single-source cloud-based system. Our priority is to move the diocesan database to the new system beginning July 2023 with parishes and ministries implementing in a phased process over a two-year period beginning September 2023 and concluding no later than September 2025.

Woman with laptop look for information in database. Concept of quick easy document search, data organization in computer. Optimization of finding websites, files or research. Flat vector illustration
Woman with laptop working in internet. Concept of quick easy document search, system information or data organization in computer. Optimization of finding websites. Isolated flat vector illustration


Your Parish Benefits

  • No more sending contact updates to 5 people at the diocesan offices
  • No more manual completion of the parish annual statistical reports
  • No more maintaining multiple spreadsheets of group contact information
  • Provides a holistic view of a constituent and their Catholic touchpoints
  • Consistent data management standards and policies on how we use and steward data
  • Leverages stewardship resources effectively across the diocese
  • Localized support and training

Project Timeline

Spring 2022
Summer 2022
Fall 2022
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023
March 2023
April 2023
May 2023
June 2023
July & August 2023
September 2023

Implementation Underway

Curia and parish implementation is underway. Reach out to to learn more about the implementation process and begin at your parish.


ParishStaq is now the official constituent database of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois!
Reach out to to begin implementation at your parish!