Sept. 21, 2023 Parish Link

Eucharistic Congress - Oct. 28 - BOS Center - Springfield

Eucharistic Congress at the BOS Center - Oct. 28 - Springfield

The Eucharistic Congress will be a spiritually uplifting and motivating event featuring talks from nationally popular Catholic speakers. It also includes a Catholic Marketplace, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession, and inspirational videos.  The day culminates with the very essence of the Year of the Eucharist, the Mass, with an arena full of Catholics eager to hear the Word of God and receive Jesus present in the holy Eucharist.

Tickets now available to the public

Tickets to the Eucharistic Congress are now open to the general public. Please promote this to your parish/school. People can get tickets by going to the diocese's website.

Materials to promote the Eucharistic Congress

1. You can copy and paste a bulletin announcement.

2. Here is a graphic image for the Eucharistic Congress

3. Several flyers are available for your social media, to hang in your parish/school, and/or use as graphics in your bulletin/e-blasts to parishioners. Here are 6 options:

One, two, three, four, five, six

4.  This promotional video can be played at your church, posted on your social media, your website, and/or used in an e-blast to parishioners.

5. Today (Sept. 21), we posted a behind the scenes tour at how the curia offices are preparing for the Eucharistic Congress, which also tells people what to expect and why they should be excited for the event. Please share the video we posted on our Facebook page or post the YouTube link on your social media channels.

6. This link takes people diectly to the Eucharistic Congress website which includes ticketing, the schedule of the day, the speaker's bios, FAQ, and more.

**Please use these materials in your announcements and e-blasts to parishioners and for hand-outs in bulletins/for placement in take-home folders for students attending your school/PSR classes.


If you know of individuals or businesses who would be interested in giving to support the Eucharistic Congress or becoming a sponsor, please let them know. Tell them to go here to learn more.

Reminder, no Masses/weddings/funerals Saturday, Oct. 28 - Due to the Eucharistic Congress going on Saturday, Oct. 28 at the BOS Center in Springfield, a reminder to all priests/schedulers that there are to be no parish Masses/weddings/funerals that day as priests will be in Springfield.

Parish Vitality and Mission Advancement
Pro-life and Special Ministries
Year of the Eucharist