1 - General Background Information

The purpose of this session is to provide an overview of boards including history, types of boards, and rationale for having school boards.

2 - Areas of Responsibility


The purpose of this session is to define the areas and topics on which Catholic schools boards need to concentrate.

3 - Board Committee Work


The purpose of this session is to help board members understand the importance of committee work in the functioning of a school board.

4 - Making Policy Procedures


The purpose of this session is to provide information and direction on one of the most important functions of the school board: policy making.

5 - Roles of Administrator and Pastor


The purpose of this session is to summarize the interactions that pastors and administrators have with the board.

6 - Recruiting Board Members


The purpose of this session is offer tips and ideas for recruiting new board members.

7 - Successful Board Meetings


The purpose of this session is to provided tips for the smooth running of school board meetings.

8 - Evaluation and the Board


The purpose of this session is to explore the various types of assessment a board needs to do.

9 - Board Resources


The purpose of this session is to give you an idea of the numerous resources available to the school board.

10 - Board Inservice


The purpose of this session is to suggest ideas for in-service of new school board members as well as on-going in-service for all board members.

12 - Finances


The purpose of this session is to familiarize all school board members with the role of the board in fiscal management.

13 - Best Practices for Effective Boards


The purpose of this session is to summarize what research says and suggests for school boards to be effective.

14 - Boards of Catholic Education: Training for Advisory Boards and Limited Jurisdiction Boards


The purpose of this training is to give school board members information on the role of school boards, and the procedures and best practices for school board effectiveness.