Wills and Trust

Everybody needs a will

Whether you’re 18 or 108, everyone should have a will in place. People use wills to choose who gets their property, name guardians for minor children, provide a plan for pets, and more.

Through a will, many people also choose to leave a part of their estate to Happy Paws and make an impact on the causes they love, for years to come.

Why give in your will

  • Continue to use assets or property during your lifetime
  • Potentially reduce your estate tax burden
  • Leave a lasting legacy to <org name>

Common gifted asset in wills and trusts

  • Financial accounts
  • Real estate
  • Vehicles
  • Brokerage accounts
  • Crypto and NFTs
  • Personal property

Make your will online – for free

<Org Name> has partnered with FreeWill to offer an online estate planning tool that makes it easy and cost-free to make your plan. In as little as 20 minutes, you can help support our mission for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions(Currently the same as on homepage)