Stocks, securities, & mutual funds

Donate stock, securities, or mutual funds and potentially receive tax deductions while avoiding capital gains taxes.

About gifts of stocks, securities, & mutual funds

Many people choose to give stocks, securities, or mutual funds instead of gifts of cash. Giving appreciated assets like these can often save you far more on taxes than gifts of cash.

Give appreciated assets now and enjoy the benefits, or add us as a beneficiary of these assets and avoid estate and inheritance taxes, making the most of your gift.


  • Avoid paying capital gains tax on appreciated assets.
  • Receive an income tax deduction for the value of the assets (if you’ve had them for more than a year).
  • Create a lasting legacy that supports our mission.

How it works

  1. Transfer appreciated securities directly to us (and avoid all capital gains taxes).
  2. Receive a tax receipt for the value of the assets.
  3. The securities are sold and the funds put directly to use for greatest impact.