March 14, 2024 Parish Link


Please see this letter from Bishop Paprocki endorsing the Rice Bowl Collection. We are asking that you announce this special collection opportunity to your parishioners in your bulletins, website, or other social media platforms the weekend of March 16/17, 2024, and gathered on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024. Any proceeds gathered should be forwarded to our Office for Finances within thirty (30) days.

Please see this letter from Bishop Paprocki endorsing the Holy Land Collection. We are asking that you announce this special collection opportunity to your parishioners in your bulletins, website, or other social media platforms the weekend of March 23/24, 2024, and gathered on Good Friday, March 29, 2024. Any proceeds gathered should be forwarded to our Office for Finances within thirty (30) days.

This collection letter also includes the special collection for our dear Seminarians to be gathered at the Easter Vigil Liturgy and the Easter Sunday Masses on March 30/31, 2024.

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