February 9, 2023 Parish Link

Year of the Eucharist

Reminder, no Masses/weddings Saturday, Oct. 28 - Due to the Eucharistic Congress going on Saturday, Oct. 28 at the BOS Center in Springfield, a reminder to all priests/schedulers that there are to be no parish Masses/weddings that day as priests will be in Springfield.

*Go to the Bulletin Announcement section of Parish Link to alert your parishioners about this, but more importantly, so they mark their calendar to go to the event. You can copy and paste that paragraph/use the graphic

Art wanted for Year of the Eucharist art display - Jessica Howell, the Campus Minister at Quincy University, is assembling a "Year of the Eucharist" art display in the Gray Gallery of QU's Brenner Library. If you have created a piece of art (painting drawing, photograph, graphic design, or sculpture) that depicts the Eucharist, the Mass, the person of Jesus, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the person of Mary, or the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and you would like to have your art featured in the display, please contact Jessica at howelje@quincy.edu or at 217-228-4532 ext. 3617 by June 30, 2023.

Parish Resources for the Diocesan Year of the Eucharist - NEW Pastoral Resource is available for parishes now! Go to https://dio.org/revival/parishes/ and click the link under the "On-Demand Resources" or click here for the full text: Parish Eucharistic Revival Resources

Traveling Monstrance: During the Diocesan Year of the Eucharist (Dec. 8 2022- Dec. 8 2023) parishes of the diocese are encouraged to increase their devotion to the Eucharist. To this end, we are inviting parishes to consider adding a special time to increase devotion to the Eucharist at Adoration and will be offering a special traveling monstrance for each parish to use for Adoration at their parish. The monstrance was dedicated to the Right Reverend H.D. Junker, D.D. Bishop of Alton, IL by the German Catholics of Quincy, IL .Parishes may request the monstrance on a specific date by signing up here: https://dio.org/revival/signup/.

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