Addams Family

Written by Amber Cerveny

In our society where Christianity is becoming the unpopular view and the headlines are often filled with dark moments in the history of the Catholic Church, it is easy to imagine how priests can be viewed as kooky, spooky and all together ooky.

What is interesting about the Addams Family is that once you get past their “peculiar” ways, they are actually a close-knit family, with parents that love each other, support their children, graciously welcome guests into their home and are philanthropic.

What is interesting about priests is that when you look beyond their all black attire and the often-misunderstood celibacy, you find men who are full of courage, faith, humility and hope.

Our priests are “in persona Christi”, in the person of Christ. Priests work through Christ during the sacraments to allow all people an encounter with Him who is our Savior.  We gain grace from the sacraments, we see a glimpse of Heaven every time we celebrate Mass, we literally consume Christ in the Eucharist and we are able to experience all of that thanks to our priests.

It is so important that we support our current priests in prayer, but also pray for young men to answer the call to priesthood.  Without men saying yes to the call from the Holy Spirit to become a priest, we are left with a world that is truly kooky, spooky and all together ooky!