Dominican Sisters of Springfield set direction for coming years

The newly elected leadership team of the Dominican Sisters of Springfield after the closing liturgy for the congregation’s general chapter. From Left: Sister Elyse Marie Ramirez, Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy, Sister Mary Paul McCaughey, Sister Joanne Delehanty.

General chapter focuses on interculturality, collaborative Dominican future ‘For the life of the world.’ 

During a week of prayerful conversation and contemplative deliberation, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield on April 5, affirmed a chapter statement in which they agreed to respond to the needs of the Church and the world by committing to intercultural living and participative Dominican governance as they look toward the next five years. 

“Rooted in our prayer for the life of the world, and in our care for our common home, we are strengthened by our Associates and partners-in-mission to walk together into a future of authentic intercultural living,” the statement says. 

To reach their goal, the sisters said “Together, we will” strengthen relationships within the congregation, welcome and support new members to the congregation and Dominican life, and build intercultural relationships “through study, engagement, and interaction.” 

The hallmarks of the congregation’s ministry for the past two decades have been their commitment to antiracism and their response to the “Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor” through their efforts to live sustainably and encourage others in the care of Earth and her inhabitants. 

“These efforts will continue and will be strengthened by this evolution in our thinking,” explained Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma, OP, the current prioress general of the congregation. “We want witness to the good news of Jesus in our countries of origin — the United States and Peru — both burdened with cultural and political divisiveness, threats to democracy, and threats to the peace, tranquility, and flourishing of the human and the other-than-human beings with whom we share our homelands. Our desire to live interculturally — within our own community as Dominican Sisters who are Peruvian and U.S. citizens, and with the many diverse cultures in our countries — is a natural outgrowth of our antiracism work and, we believe, a powerful intercultural — and countercultural — gospel witness. 

“It is for these reasons we say we want to ‘walk together into a future of authentic intercultural living,’” Sister Rebecca Ann said, referencing a line from the chapter direction statement. 

The second major theme of their chapter deliberations was the future of Dominican governance within the Dominican family. 

“We take the next steps into our congregational future, grounded in the freedom offered in our Constitutions. We are energized by participating in the emerging movements of governance within the Dominican family,” the statement says. 

To fulfill their commitment to themselves, the broader Dominican family, and the People of God, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield have committed to the necessary study to move toward a collaborative form of Dominican governance. 

“Creative conversations about how collaboration can reshape and renew the future of Dominican life have been going on for years,” said Sister Rose Miriam Schulte, OP, vicaress general. “We are now at a point in our journey when it is time to animate our words with actions that move us forward into the future together.” 

The week-long general chapter consisted of two parts. During the 5-day chapter of life and mission the sisters synthesized an 18-month-long period of study, prayer, and contemplative dialogue into the 2024 General Chapter Direction Statement. The complete statement is here. 

We, the Dominican Sisters of Springfield, guided by the Holy Spirit, join with others to reimagine a future of promise and hope. Rooted in our prayer for the life of the world, and in our care for our common home, we are strengthened by our Associates and partners-in-mission to walk together into a future of authentic intercultural living. Trusting in the transformation already at work within us, we step into the challenges, riches, and grace of the unknown. Together, we will strengthen relationships within our congregation. Together, we will invite, welcome, and support new members to our congregation and to Dominican life. Together, we will build relationships with those of other cultures, through study, engagement and interaction. We take the next steps into our congregational future, grounded in the freedom offered in our Constitutions. We are energized by participating in the emerging movements of governance within the Dominican family. Together, we will engage in ongoing conversation and communal study in our effort to move toward a collaborative form of governance. Together, we will embrace individual and shared responsibility for participative Dominican governance. Compelled by our passion for mission, we respond, in Christ, for the life of the world. 

During the two-day chapter of elections, the sisters elected a team of four leaders who will assume leadership on June 15, 2024. They are Sisters Mary Paul McCaughey, OP, prioress general-elect; Sister Joanne Delehanty, OP, vicaress general-elect; and second and third councilors-elect, Sister Elyse Marie Ramirez, OP, and Sister Kathlyn Mulcahy, OP.